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My nephrew

by Sam .........................................

On April 21, 2007 the good LORD gave me a nephrew to the name of Anothy William Kaine Temple. He was severval months early I wasn't aloud to see him because of me being under 18 i live in nc and the hospiltal he was at was in sc. i remember the day when i first got the news that Kaine was born early and had a slim chance of living. It was near the end of the day and i was so exicted because after school i wsa going swimming with our after school program and my mom caalled the school to tell me to go to car pick up and i was really wanting to go swimming so i called my mom and she told me why i couldnt go and i burst out in tears lucky my best friends saw me crying and caught me before i hit the ground some how i got to my seat and seeing that i was in fifth grade then we was having recess so my teacher was out of the room but it was a sub but what made it worse was that my sub told me that it is better if he dies that he needs to and i nearly fainted and once again my best friend came to resue me and she started yelling at my teacher but every day after that me and my mom was at the hospiltal 2 hours away with my nephrew then we suddenly had hope the docter said that they could not find anything wrong that they believe he has a great chance of livin then the next day everything went downhill they found internal bleeding in the brain and a couple of days later he passed away hated GOD for it and all i wanted to do was die its has been nearly two years since Kaine passed away and i have saw that GOD really does give you double for your trouble now i have 2 nieces and 2 nephrews (that are on this dreadful earth) and we are really close althrogh they are just babies and only one can talk i have saw light in what the LORD done in taking Kaine and i know that someday i will see him and my sister along with my other dear ones someday in that heavenly kingdom

Comments would be appreciated by the author, Sam

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